Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tina's Take on Boston

As many of you know, Tina Wang basically defied the laws of nature and came back from having a baby to run Boston in a few short months. Here's her take on how the race played out:

"I know that I wasn't as disciplined as Karyn on the training so I knew that I would definitely bonk during the second half of the marathon. So the strategy was to run as fast as I could during the first half. Yup, weird strategy and opposite to what everybody else recommends. The first half I felt good. But the second half, oh, boy, was a torture. Frank and Nicholas were waiting for me at mile 23. Which was great, but meant I couldn't even drop out before then. If I made it to mile 23, I guess I'd better finish it. Then during the final 2K, I thought, hey if I can finish with 3:40, I might have a little chance to register for Boston next year (I will be "allowed" to registered on the third day, I believe). Therefore, I picked up my pace a bit and finished in 3:38. I was so sore the next couple days....... I have never been this sore after a marathon before. This is what happens when you don't train enough, I guess.

I am so glad that Karyn, Liz, Deb, and Peter all did so well. I am so proud of everybody!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Eminem's Boston Race Report

Karyn M-M defied the laws of medicine by not only meeting her post-surgery goal of completeing Boston, but re-qualifying for next year. Here's Karyn's report:


What a day -- the weather was perfect. A light breeze, constant sunshine and temps between 48 and 60.

Peter and I kept a steady pace until about mile 16 when he was felled with a calf cramp -- he'd been having calf problems for the last week.

I ended up running ahead and stayed pretty much on pace to achieve my goal of under-four-hours (okay...I cut it a little close at 3:59:03...but I wasn't the least bit disappointed. I was ecstatic). Five months after knee surgery and I re-qualified...if by the skin of my teeth : ) Also fabulous was that Daniel jumped in just before mile 23 and encouraged, cheered and paced me to the end -- making sure that I crossed under hours. He was awesome. (A cheer from Little Skittles at mile 23 -- where he was sitting in his throne with his track buddies was pretty nice too).

The only foolish thing I did was not dealing with a pebble that landed in my shoe at mile 7. By the half I knew I had a decent cut or blister and by the finish line I was a bit worried about taking my shoe off and looking. I spent about 15 minutes in the med tent while they cleaned and bandaged it. Turned out to be a lovely cut-and-blister combo package. I won't be wearing shoes for a few days : )

Best news is that Peter picked himself up and finished despite his calf. He crossed the finish line in 4:13! I had been worrying for 10 miles that he wouldn't make it. I shouldn't have!

That's our news. Off to an icebath with the hockey game in the background.

Mini Ponies Gallop Through Historic Boston Marathon

It was a historic day at the Boston Marathon with world-record times and the NETT Mini Ponies were right there in the thick of it all.

Liz Haacke said a fond farewell to the Hub by pounding out a 3:41 in only her second attempt at the distance. Here's hoping Liz enjoyed it so much she'll be back again next year to run! (We'll hear more from Liz tomorrow on her run)

Deb Robertson somehow managed to sneak in some great training while putting wedding plans together at the same time. In what will (I assume) be her last marathon as a single lady, Deb knocked out a 4:05.

New mommy Tina Wang somehow managed to balance a newborn baby, driving lessons for Nicholas and marathon training to run 3:38. Poor woman is so sleep-deprived, she was making coffee stops on the course! I don't know how she did it. (And if you're thinking this photo of Tina gulping starbucks looks familair, it's a repeat of her pose from two years ago here Same outfit, same pose, pretty funny!

And Karyn Miller Medzon, only a few months after knee surgery, held steady and strong to requalify with a 3:59 (Karyn's report will be posted separately, shortly).

On the men's side, Frank White's weekly training efforts on Heartbreak Hill clearly paid off as he skated to a 2:50 effort.

Congrats to all!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Multi-sport Season Kicks off at Wrentham Duathlon

How often can you say you outdueled a political juggernaut -- and you're not even a politician? NETT's Martin and Frank KJ did just that at the Wrentham Duathlon today.

"We both had the pleasure of kicking Senator Scott Brown's ass, but enough about him," said Frank. "We were lucky with the weather as the sun broke through the clouds as we toed the start line."

Frank reports that Martin was a bit off pace on the run but improved his bike leg from last year by more than a minute! "If he had worn a more aero outfit instead of a loose-fitted jersey he likely would shaved another 30 seconds off."

Frank had another "just missed the hour mark" race at Wrentham with the same old run and bike splits but good enough for 5th place overall. All in all a promising start to the multisport season. Results at

In other racing news, Toledo Joe Hardin outran a juggernaut of his own at the BAA 5K, just outkicking the great Uta Pipig in 19:32. Nice work Joe!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

NETT Men Head for the Hills to Kick Off the Trail Racing Season

NETT runners has a variety of trail races to choose from this weekend to kick off the season in style, with Merrimack Rivah, Northern Nipmuck and Blue Hills all taking place on the same Saturday. And our boys chose to head for the hills!

Dave Molk made his triumphant return to trail racing after an extended absence, cranking out a 1:19 at the Blue Hill Fox Trot 10 Miler. That effort got Molkie fifth in his age group and 11th overall on a very hilly course. "This was my first race since Stone Cat 09 and it's great to be back at it. Looking forward to digging in this season," he said.

Can't wait to see more great results from this guy before he heads south at the end of the summer to go become a musical doctor.

Also on Saturday a few NETT folks and friends hit the Northern Nipmuck 16 Mile Trail Race (or should I say it hit US!). Kidding aside, NETT went 2-3-6 in the men's masters race with Youngstah, Crazy Dave and Dave Mingori tackling the extremely rugged course. Old pals Keith Schmitt and John Kinnee deserve acknowledgement as well for running top-notch times on their first times on this course.

Nice work all and looking forward to more trail racing success out there.